
I am very thankful for all of the virtual personal interaction this week. While our dance community has been distanced by the coronavirus, I have been learning new skills to help bring us back together. I have started using video conferencing software, Skype and Zoom. These two programs are available for desktop, smartphones, and tablets.

As your teacher, I would like to ask if you could download one or both of these softwares. Using these apps, we may be able to do virtual private lessons and mini-classes while we are unable to use the dance studio. More importantly, Skype and Zoom allow us to stay more closely connected socially. I am planning on creating a Zoom video chat with some of our dancers in the coming days.

If you need help with installation of these softwares or want to test out if/how they work, I would be glad to help you. I am learning it right along with you.

Download links:

Zoom Installation Example Video

I look forward to dancing with everyone again,

