Dance Gourmet West Coast Swing w Erik and Anna Novoa
Saturday, October 19, 2013, 03:00pm - Saturday, October 19, 2013, 11:59pm

Dance Gourmet - West Coast Swing with Erik and Anna Novoa


Schedule of Events

(prerequisite for classes: basic West Coast moves)

3:15 - 4:15 Connection - the Basics of Partnering

A great partnership is all about the clear, efficient, and caring communication. In the basic partner dance world we learn one of 2 roles, the Leader (Speaker) or the Follower (Listener). Both roles are equally important and equally as difficult in unique ways. The success of any dance partnership derives from how well each person does their respective role while still accommodating the needs of the other.

In this class we will use weight sharing partnering exercises that are used by professional dance companies and within professional partnerships. These exercises will begin to open up the most important aspect of connection communication – understanding your partner's point of view. You must understand that point of view in order to “speak” or “listen”.

We will progress this class with exploring how to use the Anchor-Step (the last two beats of a pattern and generally a triple step) to create the next type of movement. The connection through the Anchor-Step can actually premeditate the next lead which will allow the follower to “hear” the message of movement almost a full beat earlier. To a follower, that’s the difference between receiving the information by Fedex instead of Snail Mail .

The themes of this class will permeate the rest of the workshops and will be critical for the flow of the day….think of it as our connection (clear, efficient, and caring communication) with you.

4:30 - 5:30 Spins & Turns Fundamentals for Partner Dancing

Erik & Anna are proud to present a workshop they have presented and refined many times. We will use special centering movements to get you on top of your leg and will break down the more common types of turns for West Coast Swing. We'll break down the two-footed turns called Chaîne (pronounced "sheh-NAY") and the one footed turns called Pirouettes, both to the right and to the left.

Do you really need this workshop? Yes. Working on turns is an integral part of your dance experience. From beginners to professionals, dancers are constantly working to improve their turn technique or the number of turns they can do. Even though we're teaching the class, Anna and I are constantly tweaking our technique to improve our own turns....come to this workshop to improve yours.

Erik will also focus on technical leader issues which emerge with followers of different spinning abilities.

5:45- 6:45 Moves with Spins & Turns

I hope you didn't miss the "Spins & Turns Fundamentals" workshop because this is where all the tips you learned get utilized.

We'll explain how these steps are incorporated into West Coast Swing and how to lead/follow them properly with great connection. We'll help improve the troublesome, but essential, Whip with the Double Outside Turn. We'll get the leaders spinning to help them stand out and add virtuosity to their dance. And we'll start you on the road to Finger-Spin.

6:45- 8:00 Homemade Gourmet Dinner

Romaine and Cherry Tomato Salad with Spanish Almonds, Thai Chicken Soup with Whole Grain Jasmine Rice, Tomato Cheddar Soup, Tom's Pasta Sauce with Fettuccine, and Pistachia Apricot Three Whole Grain Cookies

8:00 - 9:00 Anna's Birthday Moves and Movement

Anna and Erik travel the dance event "circuit" a great deal. Every year new trends in moves and movement emerge. For this class, Anna, who will become one year older the day before the October 19 event, will select a move or two which strikes her fancy and she and Erik will teach it. Part of Anna's style is, of course, the unique embellishments she gives to "moves". In this class she will treat us to some of the enhancements (to the moves being taught) which she likes most. Anna is amazing and fun with this stuff -- you won't want to miss it!

9:00 - Midnight Dance with Erik and Anna (both wonderful social dancers!) to the music of DJ Tom


Register for the Workshops and Gourmet Dinner



Circle of Life Dance Hall
50 Chapman Place
East Hartford, CT
